Physical Education Course Selection: Spring 2025
IMPORTANT: To be eligible for PE Course selection, and to receive PE credit for the course you select, you MUST be registered for PHED-000 before attending class
  • Attendance in any PE course without first registering for PHED-000 WILL NOT count for PE credit and will not be recorded as complete on Degree Works. Registration for PHED-000 must be done through the Registrar's Office.

Please review the PE Schedule and select the (one) course that you would like to attend.

Outdoor Education (OE) Courses utilize their own Course Selection Form. To select an Outdoor Education (OE) Course for PE, please use the link in the Course Selection Email, or here: Outdoor Education PE Registration Form.
*For more than one course selection, please see instructions below.

This form can only be submitted ONCE, so please be sure to select your first choice from the options available. If a class from the PE Schedule is not available for selection, that class has already been filled to capacity, or it is past the selection close date, and you will have to make a selection from the available options.
  • A selection that still appears on the selection list, but appears subdued, with a line through it, is FULL. You must then select your next option.
  • If a class appears on the PE Schedule but does not appear on the course selection list, it is past the course selection close date.
Please make a note of the FIRST CLASS DATE of the course that you would like to select. The last opportunity to select that course (close date) will be no later than 3:00 pm on the Friday before the FIRST CLASS DATE. 
  • For Example: If the FIRST CLASS DATE of a course is February 4th, 2025, the selection for that class will close at 3:00 pm on Friday, January 31st.
*Note: Virtual classes have a later close date and will be available for selection as long as they appear on this form. Once a Virtual class no longer appears for selection, it is no longer an option.

If the course that you would like to attend no longer appears on the selection list and it has NOT yet met for the FIRST CLASS DATE, you may inquire about open space at: CUrecreation@colgate.eduNO students will be added to courses that have already had their FIRST CLASS DATE...NO EXCEPTIONS.

For students who would like to select MORE THAN ONE PE Course:
  • If one of the courses is an Outdoor Education (OE) course, use this form to reserve a space in the class that is NOT Outdoor Education (OE). You may use the link here: Outdoor Education PE Registration Form  to select your Outdoor Education (OE) Course
  • If both courses are regular PE courses (NOT Outdoor Education), use this form to select your first choice and then contact to be placed in your second PE course
Placement in a second PE course will only occur if:
  1. The course still has space available (if it is crossed off, it is full)
  2. The FIRST CLASS DATE has not yet passed
  3. The course still appears on this form as a selectable option (Virtual Courses)

PE Credits for Club Sports participation: As an active participant in a Club Sport, you will receive a PE credit. In order to be considered active, you must participate in Club Activities for at least 15 hours per semester. Your club leaders will submit your attendance for PE credit, so make sure that they are tracking your activity. For this credit to appear on your Degree Works, you must be registered for PHED-000 through the Registrar’s Office. You do not need to select anything on the course selection form for Club Sports participation.

***PE credits WILL NOT be awarded for any participation in courses/activities outside of the options listed on this form, or those PREVIOUSLY approved by the Department of Physical Education. Independent Study, 'gate Fitness classes, Intramural Sports, or application of credits to activities outside of those designated by the Department of Physical Education are NOT available or valid, and WILL NOT be considered for PE credit. *NO EXCEPTIONS*.
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Email *
Colgate University Student ID Number:
*Please enter 7-Digit Student ID# (NO Dashes, NO "00")

Yes, your ID is typically 9-Digits, but if you remove the arbitrary "00" at the beginning, it then becomes 7.
Last Name:
First Name:
Expected Graduation Year:
PE Course Selection: *
You may only select ONE option, so please select your first available choice and then select "NEXT" to submit the form. The CLOSE DATE for courses is 3:00 pm on the Friday before the Start Date listed. If a course has a line through it, the course is full and you must make another selection.
* Outdoor Education classes are listed by course name, followed by (OE)
* VIRTUAL courses are listed by their CLOSE DATE because these courses do not meet in person and can still be joined after they technically have "started", up until the CLOSE DATE
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