NAATP Headshot Registration
Get Your New Professional Headshot: 
5/19/24 (2:30p - 5:30p) 
5/20/24 (5:30p - 7:00p)
Sheraton Hotel Downtown Denver 
(Room Next to Conference Registration Table)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Meet Your Photographers:
Lead Photographer - Meka McBoat 
Photographer - Eponine McBoat
Headshot Photography Process
Schedule a dedicated time during the NAATP Conference to get your professional headshot with McBoat Photography. During your scheduled photography session, we will photograph an unlimited number of traditional headshots as well as fun images that capture your personality, as well as represent you and your brand (and we will make sure to photograph your best side). You will receive high-quality images that are edited and delivered to you electronically within two weeks from your photography session. Below are some important resources to help you learn more about McBoat photography and to help you prepare for your photography session. Click Each Link Below:
Full Name *
Organization *
Job Title *
Email Address *
Cell Phone (to reach you at event) *
Zip Code *
Are you a NAATP Member? *
5/19, 2:30p - 5:30p: 
Select your Headshot Timeframe
5/20, 5:30p - 7:00p: 
Select your Headshot Timeframe
Become a NAATP Member today and take advantage of the discounted member headshot rate by using the following link:
Submit Your Payment to Fully Book Your Headshot
*Membership will be verified so please make sure that you choose the correct option
Please complete payment process using the links above before submitting this form. Both the submitted form and your payment are required to secure your selected timeslot for your headshot.

Thank you for Choosing McBoat Photography!

Copyright McBoat Photography. All Rights Reserved.
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