Meditation Initiation Weekend Event - Individual Neelakantha Meditation Initiations and Lecture, February 8-9 2025, with Ezgi Taslidere [ONLINE]
Upon registration you will receive a confirmation email and payment details.

Please contact for any questions.

*Terms and Conditions*
Registration is binding. Once registered no cancellation is possible and full price applies. SessionĀ date is to be agreed upon after registration.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
(to receive confirmation and registration details)
Phone: *
Address: *
Street, Nr, Zip, City, Country
Please confirm your registration for the event:
Your location of current residence - where you currently live:
(needed for payment)
I confirm that I will be attending the mandatory group lectures:
Which session would you like to sign up for your Formal Personal 1:1 Instruction Slot? *
(*Please choose the first/earliest open slot, if possible for you. As the slots will be offered back to back.)
Why do you want to learn this meditation practice? What are your intentions?
Please describe any prior meditation experience or practice, if any. And provide any additional information that you feel is important: *
How did you hear about this offering? *
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