Night To Shine Volunteer Sign-up
This form is for those who are signing up to volunteer to help with the 2025 Night to Shine event, which will be on Friday February 7, 2025, at Valley Church and Valley Community Center (4343 Fuller Rd and 4444 Fuller Rd in West Des Moines, Iowa)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Nickname *
Birthdate *
Note: you must be at least 5 years old by the date of the event to volunteer at Night to Shine. 
Email *
Address *
Include street address, apartment, city, state, and zip code
Primary Phone Number *
Mobile Phone Number
Enter this if you prefer text reminders. By providing this number, you are authorizing Valley Church to send you text reminders (don't worry; we will never spam you!)
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