【Free!】Sushi Making Class Meetup 🍣🌸


Join us for a 1.5-hour hands-on sushi-making experience! 🍣

What You’ll Learn:

✅ How to make California rolls and Nigiri sushi
✅ Tips and interesting facts about Sushi through a short quiz session 

 Event Details:

📅 Date & Time: Sunday, April 6 (there are 5 sessions in total)
📍 Location: FINEDAY浜松町 (Minato City, Tokyo)
💰 Fee: FREE!
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Cap: 20 people/session
👄Language: English, plus Japanese support available
⚠️ Note: Photos taken during the event may be used on websites and travel platforms. Participation requires your consent.

Who Can Join?:

・Those who want to experience Japanese culture firsthand
・Those who love Japanese food and sushi
Anyone who wants to make and eat sushi for free! Everyone is welcome!

Let’s roll some sushi together! 🎉


※If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact mami.so@tatobetravel.com.


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※ Photo Consent | 写真の掲載同意  *
  • A professional photographer will be taking photos during the event. These photos may be published on travel activity websites and our company’s website. Only those who agree to this can participate.
  • イベント時にプロのカメラマンが撮影に入ります。撮影した写真は、旅行アクティビティサイトや当社のWebページに掲載される可能性があります。掲載に同意される方のみが本イベントの対象になります。
  • Full Name (in English) | お名前(英語表記)   *
    Email Address | メールアドレス   *
  • We will send you a confirmation email, so please enter it correctly.
  • 確認メールをお送りしますので、正しくご入力ください。
  •   ⚠️ Disclaimer:
    Below, you'll select your preferred choices from the currently available slots. ✅🗓️
    If a time slot is no longer visible, it means we've already reached the maximum of 20 participants for that session, and you can choose the next sessions. ⏳🙅‍♀️
    Thank you for your understanding—it's first-come, first-served! 😊  
    Preferred Time Slots Available | 参加希望時間 

    Number of Participants (including yourself) | 参加人数(ご自身を含む)  
    ※ Participants must be 10 years old or older.
    ※ 10歳以上の方がご参加いただけます。
  • If more, please specify in the "other" section (half-width numbers).
  • 5名以上の場合は、その他の欄に人数をご記入ください(半角数字)。
  • Do you require Halal-friendly options? | ハラール対応を希望しますか?   *
    Do you have any allergies? | アレルギーはありますか?  
    Any comments or special requests? | その他、ご要望やコメントがあればご記入ください。
    Whatsup group for keeping you updated!
    To keep in touch and share updates, we’ve created a whatsapp group.
    Please join accessing the link below:  

    If you need to cancel or make changes to your booking, just DM to Mami on whatsupp.  

    We’re looking forward to seeing you there!😊 ✨  
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