Registration form - aptiTUdes.LAB SS25
In order to register to the workshops which are part of the aptiTUdes.LAB, you will have to fill out this form.

  • The spots are limited, therefore we kindly ask you toĀ make sure to choose only the workshops which you plan on attending.
  • Participation is free of charge.
  • A participation certificate will be issued for those attending 3 workshops.

The data disclosed below is confidential and will be used exclusively by the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center with regard to your registration and in order to generate anonymous statistics about the aptiTUdes.LAB format.

For the workshops that are carried out in collaboration with other universities (WU or BOKU), only your first and last name will be shared with the partner universities with the purpose of tracking your attendance to the workshops, which is necessary for issuing the participation certificate.
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I am a TU Wien student. *
The aptiTUdes.LAB is dedicated exclusively to actively enrolled TU Wien students.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email on which we can send you the information about the workshops *
Student ID *
Nationality *
Gender *
Birth year *
Please write in full: e.g.
Faculty *
Study Program *
Please specify both the level (bachelor's/master's/PhD) and the field of study.
I commit to participating to the following (max 3) workshops: *
Before registering, please read the corresponding workshops details on the webpage.
Will you also participate to the opening and closing sessions? *
Answering this will help us be well-prepared with the logistics šŸ»
What is your T-shirt size? (unisex T-shirts) *
Have you participated in other entrepreneurship-related courses offered by TU, and if yes, in which ones? *
If possible, please write both the name of the course and the name of the lecturer.Ā 
Have youĀ  participated inĀ other entrepreneurship-related offers in general? *
Have you already considered future career plans? If yes, which paths are you on or would you be more likely to start on in the next years? *
Before considering the aptiTUdes.LAB, have you heard about TU Wien iĀ²c and if yes, have you participated in other events fromĀ  iĀ²c? *
Photography and filming consent *
I would like to subscribe to the TU Wen Innovation Incubation Center newsletter, in order to stay up to date with the latest offers for students. *
Are there any other topics of interest which you think we should tackle in future editions of the aptiTUdes.LAB?
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