NEW! Rock Academy Audition Sign-Up Form
Sign-up form is due Monday, January 6th.
Auditions will be held Tuesday, January 7th from 6:00p - 8:00p. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Students Name (First and Last) *
Students Age *
Parent/Guardians Name (First and Last) *
Primary Contact Phone Number *
Primary Contact Email  *
Additional Contact Phone Number / Email
Students Primary Instrument
(For each box checked, you will need an Audition spot)
What Days and Times Work Best? (Select all that Apply) *
Works Great
Could Work
Last Choice
Doesn't Work
Tuesday, 6p - 7p
Tuesday, 7p - 8p
Thursday 6p - 7p
Thursday 7p - 8p
What Genre(s) would you like to play? (Select at least 1, and all that apply) *
What other Genres or Bands would you like to play? List as many as you can think of!
What songs would you like to play? You may choose songs from bands listed above, or include songs from other bands or artists not listed above. List as many as you can think of! (Please include artist/band names with song choices) *
Placement Audition Spots (You will need an audition spot for each instrument you would like to audition for.) *
Any Questions, Comments, Concerns?
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