🌸  SlugCon 2024 Maid Cafe Reservation 🌸
🎀  This is our first maid cafe @ SlugCon!!!🎀

SlugCon is this Sunday, May 19th @ Merrill!!!! If you are interested in going to the maid cafe please fill out this form!!
The maid cafe will be in the Merrill Cultural Center from 2:15-4pm, and reservations are by 25 minute time slots. Please stick to your time slots 
Tickets are $5 per person, this includes a meal set and a polaroid with our maids! We will take payment at the door (cash, venmo, zelle, check (if u really want)).

Hope to see y'all there!!!
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Email *
Name (First, Last) (Ex: Sammy, Slug) *
Discord tag (Ex: sirtoods) *
Our maid cafe reservation will be in 25 minute intervals, please choose one slot below!
🕑Which time slot? *
Pick a meal set! Each set includes various snacks and a drink!
We offer 5 different sets to choose from:
Note: For Pocky, it will be one of these flavors: original, cookies n' cream, or strawberry.
We might substitute items unexpectedly due to supply changes.

☕Classic maid cafe ☕
  • Ramune 
  • Pineapple cake
  • Lychee coconut jelly
  • Pocky
  • Ramune
  • Choco pie
  • Lychee coconut jelly
  • Rice cracker mix
🌸はなみ[Sakura viewing]🌸
  • Ito en (green tea)
  • Honeydew mochi
  • Lychee coconut jelly
  • Pocky
🌿お茶 [green tea/matcha]🌿
  • Ito en (green tea)
  • Green tea cake
  • Lychee coconut jelly
  • Yan Yan
🍗allergen free chicken thigh (but no chicken thigh) [allergen free]🍗
  • DM sirtoods for more details 
🎰Gacha!!!!!!! [random!]🎰
  • If you're feelin lucky or just want to scratch that gacha itch
Which set?🍱 *
Note that you will need to pay ($5) at the door (cash, venmo, zelle, check (if u really want)). 
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