Open House Scheduler - Mrs. Phinney

Open House will be on Monday, August 21st.  In an effort to maximize our time with parents/guardians, we are asking that you sign-up for a designated time to attend.  

Important: Each session will start in the cafeteria.  Mr. Kucbel will give a short 15 minute presentation, then release families from there. 

The homeroom assignment will be released on Wednesday, August 16th, at our back-to-school celebration @ the boat basin (6:00-7:30) and posted at Woodlands. (You will be able to schedule your open house time on/after the 16th when you know your child’s homeroom teacher)  

*Please complete the form below.
*If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Brian Kucbel at 419-433-1234 ext. 3002 or
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Child's Name (Last, First) *
Parent's Name (Last, First) *
Parent email address: *
Please pick an available time on Monday, August 21st:
Important: Each session will start in the cafeteria.  Mr. Kucbel will give a short 15 minute presentation, then release families from there.
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