Beer Tent Volunteer: Serving beer & wine. If you wish to volunteer, please pick a shift time. Need 5 volunteers/shift
Ticket Tent Volunteer: ID/wristband individuals, sell beer/wine tickets, and sell bottled water. If you wish to volunteer, please pick a shift time. Need 4 volunteers/shift
Ambassador Tent: Market and promote the Club, recruit new members. If you wish to volunteer, please pick a shift time. Need 2 volunteers/shift
Inflatables: We have 3 inflatable play units in the park. Manage the entrance/exit and the use of the inflatables. Need 5 volunteers per shift.
Park Gate Entrance: Monitor entrance into food truck area. Prohibit outside food/beverage from entering food truck area. Prohibit bicycles/skateboards from entering the food truck area. Alcohol is allowed to exit this gate. Need 1 volunteer/shift.
Thatcher Avenue Gate Entrance: Monitor entrance into food truck area. Prohibit outside food/beverage from entering food truck area. Prohibit bicycles/skateboards from entering the food truck area. Prohibit alcohol from leaving food truck area. Need 1 volunteer/shirt